Surgery vs. Chiropractic in Livonia MI: The Shocking Results

Read on to learn more about the shocking results about surgery vs. chiropractic in Livonia MI.
Bottom Line:
Surgery is considered a last resort for the treatment of neck and back problems. The risks are significant, the costs are high, and the recovery is long and painful. If you haven't found relief with physical therapy or medications for your back pain, you may think surgery is next on the list. Well, new research has shown that Chiropractic care should be considered first, and the results may surprise you.
Why it Matters in Livonia MI:
It's well known that the failure rate for spinal disc surgery is up to 20%. And to make things worse, the next step after a failed discectomy is typically a dangerous spinal fusion. So before exploring surgical options, we encourage you to be smart and consider Chiropractic care. Researchers found that patients who previously failed therapy and medications found just as much relief with Chiropractic care as they did with surgery while avoiding nearly all of the risks!
- The majority of patients who can't find relief physical therapy or medications have experienced benefits with Chiropractic care.
- Patients may benefit from Chiropractic care just as much as if they underwent surgery, without any of the risks.
- Smart healthcare providers have begun to offer Chiropractic care before surgical options because of its safety and effectiveness.
Next Steps:
Before moving to medications, injections, or surgery, it's smart to explore Chiropractic care. Chiropractic works with your body to help reduce the pain associated with spinal disc issues in your neck or back. By reducing inflammation, improving your spinal motion, and reducing the compression on your spinal nerves, Chiropractic can help you get well without any of the risks and dangers associated with drugs, injections, or surgery.
Science Source(s):
Manipulation or Microdiskectomy for Sciatica? A Prospective Randomized Clinical Study.Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Volume 33, Number 8. October 2010
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm
8:30am - 11:00am
Kramer Chiropractic
20414 Farmington Rd
Livonia, MI 48152
P: (248) 615-1533
F: (248) 615-9068